Medical Nutrition Therapy For Your Health
Recently start medication for blood pressure or cholesterol?
Looking to lose weight without fad diets?
Planning for a healthy pregnancy?
Currently breastfeeding or lactating?
Tired of fight at meals with picky eaters?
Concerned about your child’s growth and eating?
Just get diagnosed with PCOS?
Are your blood sugars all over the place?
Ready to eat better so you feel better?
When one of these questions is answered with a “YES”, it is time to meet with a registered dietitian! A registered dietitian will help you understand what is happening in your body, how your body got there, and which foods and lifestyle patterns will get you to your goals!
And at Creative Nutrition LLC, we know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. We will help develop creative and innovative solutions to meet your needs!
Contact Us
Opening Hours
Appointments Covered By
Health Insurance
Your health insurance may pay for your nutrition appointments
To check, call the phone # on the back of the card:
Provide my NPI: 1922567676-Patricia Jeanette Schaible
Procedure codes for counseling: 97802, 97803, 99404
Diagnosis code Z71.3 or Z.72.4
Ask if TELEHEALTH is covered
Ask if you are covered under the Affordable Care Act, Nutritional Counseling or Preventative Care
Always accepted from medical providers
All HMO plans require a referral on-file prior to appointment
If you have Aetna or Harvard Pilgrim a referral is required regardless of the type of plan.
You may be able to have out-of-network insurance cover your sessions if I do not take your insurance. This typically is done by submitting a "Superbill" to your insurance. A superbill is essentially an itemized receipt that lists your appointments with diagnostic information on it. I can provide a superbill upon request. Your insurance will reimburse you if you can use out-of-network coverage.
Self-Pay Rates
Initial appointment: $150 (60minutes)
Follow-up appointments: $100 (60 minutes)
Metabolism testing: $70 (in-person only)
294 Pleasant Street, Suite 201B, Stoughton, MA 02072
(Inside Whole Person Health)
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
telehealth & in-person available
8:00 am – 12 pm
telehealth only